Page 10 - RUMPF 2016 Fly Tying & Fly Fising Product Catalog
P. 10

DEALER $1.19 NaturalDQ-00 Natural Grey DyedDQD-12 Black DQD-21 Brown DQD-18 Chartreuse DQD-20 ClaretDQ-10 Natural WhiteDQD-08 Olive DQD-03 Orange DQD-04 Red DQD-02 YellowDEALER $1.59 NaturalSUPERFLY DUCK QUILLSDuck Quills are most often used for wings and tails on wet flies. Equal sized slips of quill are cut from a left and a right side feather and tied in together to create a classic wet fly wing. Quills of different or contrasting colors can be married to create unique combinations such as the classic “Trout Fin,” a combination of white, black and orange.SUPERFLY GOOSE SHOULDERSGoose shoulders are a fantastic material for building married wings and tails for full dressed Atlantic salmon flies. The shoulder feathers can also be used for the wings and tails of classic wet style flies. Shoulder slips of different or contrast- ing colors can be married to create unique combinations or mixed with other types of feathers such as Turkey Quills or Golden Pheasant Tail.DEALER $1.79 NaturalSUPERFLY TEAL FLANKTeal Flank feathers have darker, more pronounced barring than Mallard Flank. Teal can be used for tails, dry fly wings, parachute posts, cheeks, shoulders, legs, throats, shell- backs, wing cases and streamer wings. The variegation gives patterns a natural mottled look.GS-00 Natural WhiteDyedGSD-12 Black GSD-15 Silver Doctor Blue GSD-04 RedGuineaRUMPF GUINEA PLUMAGEThese feathers, a dark black-grey with white spots and bars, are used for collaring salmon flies and wet flies.They also make very effective legs on nymphs.DEALER $2.75Item DescriptionGUPL-P Guinea Plumage Natural Black/White PkgTEAL-01 Green TEAL-03 OrangeTEAL-14 Hot Pink TEAL-15 Silver Doctor Blue TEAL-00 Natural TEAL-02 YellowRUMPF WOOD DUCK PLUMMAGEThese are extra-select, lemon-colored feathers with a black and white barred tip. They are used for tails on flies such as the Edson Tiger, Ray Bergman’s Ausable, etc.SUPERFLY STRUNG GUINEA FOWLGuinea Fowl is distinct in its polka dot pattern. It is available in both large and small dot. Guinea makes a nice accent to many patterns and can be used as a tail, beard, wing, shoul- der or collar. It can also be trimmed into an eye and colored to be used as a jungle cock substitute.DEALER $2.75Item DescriptionWOPL-BAP Barred (Pkg)DEALER $2.14 NaturalGooseItemWOPL-LEPDescriptionLemon (Pkg)GF-00-LDyedGFD-01-L GFD-01-S GFD-14-L GFD-14-S GFD-08-L GFD-08-S GFD-03-L GFD-03-SNatural (Large Dots)Green (Large Dots) Green (Small Dots) Hot Pink (Large Dots) Hot Pink (Small Dots) Olive (Large Dots) Olive (Small Dots) Orange (Large Dots) Orange (Small Dots)GF-00-SGFD-19-L GFD-19-S GFD-04-L GFD-04-S GFD-15-L GFD-15-S GFD-02-L GFD-02-SNatural (Small Dots)Purple (Large Dots)Purple (Small Dots)Red (Large Dots)Red (Small Dots)Silver Doc Blue (Large Dots) Silver Doc Blue (Small Dots) Yellow (Large Dots)Yellow (Small Dots)SUPERFLY GOOSE BIOTSBiots are the leading edge of the flight quills of large birds. They have a sharp taper and are often used on nymph pat- terns such as the prince nymph. Goose Biots can be used to create tails and wings on nymphs, spines on stickleback patterns and pincers on hellgrammite patterns. Biots can also be wound onto a hook shank as a body material onMarabouDEALER $1.64 Naturalsmall dry flies and midges, creating an interesting segmented body.SUPERFLY SPEY POPSICLE MARABOUThis blood quill Marabou has thin stems and long fibers. Spey Popsicle Marabou is ideal for creating marabou collars and palmered marabou spey flies. A large variety of colors are available, perfect for creating spey, popsicle, alaskabou, steelhead, flesh flies and salmon patterns.DEALER $1.44 NaturalGB-01 WhiteDyedGBD-10 AmberGBD-12 BlackGBD-42 Blue Winged Olive GBD-21 BrownGBD-39 Dark TanGBD-22 GoldGB-AST Combo Pack (4 Color)GBD-08 OliveGBD-04 RedGBD-34 Rusty Spinner GBD-28 TanGBD-02 YellowMRSP-00DyedMRSPD-12 MRSPD-18 MRSPD-20 MRSPD-17 MRSPD-40 MRSPD-65 MRSPD-14Natural WhiteBlack Chartreuse ClaretDark Blue Fluorescent Blue Heron Green Hot PinkMRSPD-64 MRSPD-48 MRSPD-08 MRSPD-03 MRSPD-19 MRSPD-29 MRSPD-15Hot PurpleLight PinkOliveOrangePurpleShrimp Pink Silver Doctor Blue7RAY RUMPFP.O. Box 319, Sellersville, PA 18960 •Phone: 800.523.6644• Fax: 800.353.9758•www.rayrumpf.comFLY TYING

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